For this first image this is one that we all know and can recognize quite well. This is obliviously for MTV, and was designed in 1980 by Pat Gorman and Frank Olinsky of Manhattan Design. What I really enjoy about it is the use of colors. All of the colors involved are very vibrant and fun. It is like kids playing around. The shapes and color totally lend itself to having fun. It is very inviting and nice. MTV also did many variations to this logo, including different color ways and shapes within it and such. It seems almost everything from this time period was just so vibrant and playful. I don’t know if we will ever be able to match the vibrancy of this decade, but that is what I am personally striving for.
Number 178 is a poster by Willi Kunz. The piece is called Strange vicissitudes, and was made in 1978. I really like the layout of this piece. I may just like everything from the 80s way to much, but the use of black, with the red font really sticks out to me and the colors compliment themselves nicely. The typographic organization mixed with the locking in of the images with black bars gives the piece a nice sense of organization and feeling.

This last piece is from graphic designer David Carson. It was from a page from Beach Culture. This piece was from 1990, so it is still basically from the 80s. I really enjoy the different typesets used for the font. It appears to be all one font, and just variations in the style of the font whether it be bold or condensed. The whole page feels well balanced and your eyes wander all over the page reading more and more with different aspects of the type coming out at you.
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