Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lincoln Ave Found Type


  1. As I said in class, I really like the liquid and watery feel it has. I feel like I am walking down a beach in the summer and staring at all of the little sea shops. Really great unity between all of these through fonts and colors. Great job!

  2. I love the colors and the angles you were able to find.I love the authenticity of some of the fonts, with the crack on the sign and the fading on the bricks. It brings a nice grungy break from all the flowiness. However I wish there was one more pop of color in the middle. My eyes are get lazy if I look for too long. Overall, really nice.

  3. As we talked about during the critique I really like the color scheme for this piece. I also like how the typefaces are fairly simple yet effective. Overall this is a very strong and visually pleasing piece.
