Minimalist creation leads to minimalist thought. Minimalist thought means thinking less. If you create something minimalist, your viewers will react to it with a minimalist amount of thought.
Like for instance, have you ever noticed how when you turn on your macbook, it makes a "Duhhh.." sound? That's the sound of minimalism! Minimalism is the lack of thought.
The Bauhaus is full of it. Their idea that simplicity is everything is the antithesis of truth itself. For centuries, people have adorned their writings with generous amounts of ornamentation. This ornamentation is a sign of the creator's warmth and love for what they are creating. Ornamentation is in itself an art form. To say that ornamentation should be removed in the name of simplicity is to dismiss a form of art, which is impossible because everyone knows that everything is art.
In fact, when Steve Jobs died the other day, all people could say was . That's it. Just . I believe, people have lost their will to think beyond !
People wonder today, what comes after Modernism, Post Modernism, Post Post Modernism and Poste Haste Do Not Pass Go Collect $200 Modernism? No one has an answer to this! That is because there is nothing left to remove from what we are creating. We have reached the limits of Simplicity! It is time to add copious amounts of crap to all design in the name of beauty and art! Crap is beautiful. Art schools make lots of it. They know it's beautiful. And they like it.
From this point forward, we as designers should stop thinking simple and add more crap! Complexity is inherent in everything. Life is complex. We should embrace complexity. Complexity is what truly awes people, not the lack of complexity. The lack of complexity just makes people's eyes go glossy, like the smooth surfaces on a Mies Van Der Rohe building.

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