Image 161 Page 22 style

Image 128 Page 18:

Image 94 on page 13 Style

Image 94 on page 13:
This image of what seems to be a western flier does not work for me for some reason. I feel like there are way to many styles of type that can confuse the audience. For example every line seems as if there is a new font which takes away from the flier as a whole. If they used 2-3 different styles of font I feel as if the flier would be much stronger and it would increase legibility. Going off of this, there are also way to many fonts that are bold or are way to thick. This affects the hierarchy of the piece because a user would not know where to bring their attention to first, or what piece of information is the most important in this article. If the user changed it so that the main story, or the main point they were trying to get across was the biggest and had the heaviest bold it would work much better. They could also use a different font and size for headings of certain articles and stories, which would improve the hierarchy.
Image 128 Page 18:
This image I feel works very well.. It is very simple and it gets the point across to the viewer easily and it uses very little words to do it. The font of the text in this flier is also pretty easy to read, and it was popular in that time period when the U.S needed support through war bonds. There is not really much that could be improved in this image because it seems to follow all the things that were talked about in chapters 2-4.
Image 161 Page 22:
This image overall seems to work pretty well besides a few minor cosmetic things that could improve legibility and hierarchy. First off I feel that text that creates an image are very unique and a nice way to stand out from a group of fliers or text. The spacing between words seems to be overall universal throughout the whole piece. The one thing that I feel like the user good change to improve this piece, If it was an informational poster would be to, bold, change color, style, size of certain words to really get the message through. If those changes were instated, the piece would be stronger because the viewer would have to take less time to read through it to get the main information from it. It would also add on to giving it a unique look, while following legibility and hierarchy.
The image above works well based off everything i talked about in this section because it catches the viewer's attention. It also displays all the important information needed on the right side and its highlighted in black. And it also follows nice hierarchy and all the font is easily legible.
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