Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Typography Anatomy


CronosPro is the type family that is used on the signage of a Roman bathhouse of the more prestigious senators.  It is elegant,  but not too flashy; clean, yet not flourished.  It also has a sternness and precision which can allow it to be used for serious topics.  As a car, CronosPro would probably be a luxury sedan, along the lines of a 2002 Jaguar X-type.  It wouldn’t be the newer models because it’s not that modern,  more of classic looking Jag.  It might not turn any heads,  but it is appreciated by those who like a different and subtle design.  As clothing,  it would be a long dinner for a charity function: fitting for a formal scene,  but not there to show off.   As of musical genre,  it would not be so pompous to be classical music,  but not so causal to be modern rock or pop.  It probably could sit somewhere in the jazz section and enjoy old Herbie Hancock or Thelonious Monk.  It reminds me of some of the old  Victorian houses in San Francisco,  beautiful design without being to dainty.

Blue Island

            Blue Island is the type family that used to signage for an old temple of Indian Hinduism if the sign was in English.  All the characters touch it other which makes the font inviting and warm.  The flow of the font is smooth and rich with experience and history.  It’s wisdom gives flourish an unique appeal,  unmatched by any other font.  In modern society,  Blue Island would be an old Willys CJ-3B Jeep worn in a bit but still drivable through the desert or rough terrain.  As for clothing,  it would the loose fitting Egyptian clothing which is plain with golden trim.  This font is different but not so distracting you can’t take it seriously.  As a type of music,  it probably old ’60 Goa film music: old Indian folk music.  The type reminds of old architecture of ancient cultures which we can appreciate today. 

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