The first type that I used that is a San-Serif font I chose to do Franklin Gothic. The font feels like a hard font, but it is very smooth and standard at the same time. If I were to describe the font I would stay that it is very standard, that doesn’t have much flair, but gets the job done. The font is like the guy behind the scenes that is making all the final edits and making sure everything is right and everything is in order. If this font were a car I would say it is a nice minivan. I say this because the font represents a mother to me or a parent figure that will always be there to make everything okay.
The next font I chose to do Century, which is a Serif style font. This font to me is like someone took a girly font, and warped it to make it manlier. I say this because the font includes little things like curvy Q’s and J’s. However, all of these forms were taken and appear to be buffed out. Most of the letters are about the same thickness in stroke weight. If I were to compare this font to a care I would say a nice BMW. The car is nice enough to please every woman, but men like to drive it just as much.
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