Monday, September 19, 2011

Chapter 2

After reading through chapter 2 I was fascinated at all the different elements and descriptions that go into type. Before reading I really did not know all the terms used for the letter "A" such as the crossbar, fillet, apex etc. It's interesting to see that letters that we take for granted in a way have so many different aspects to them. Another aspect from the reading that stood out to me was the evolution of type from the Old Style all the way to the San Serif. It was interesting seeing how the style changed throughout the years. One thing I really did not know that the book cleared up for me was the x-height. Before I wouldn't know that it was such a big factor in type and that there were many different kinds of x-type depending on the font style. Another aspect I never knew was all the different types of measurement that goes into type. I always thought that there was just one line of type that varied on the size. I never knew that there were such things as: American, Norse, Pearl, Brevier etc. Before reading this chapter I always thought type was nothing special, and that it was a way for people to communicate, but after reading this I realized just how elaborate and technical type can be.

After reading about the transitional style of font and the differences between strokes in a certain letter I chose the image of the Declaration of Independence, because of it's extreme curves and designs in the text.,r:1,s:0&biw=1680&bih=880

( I know it does not look like that in person, {very clean and neat} I just wanted to show a clearer picture of the type)

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